Marco Migliavacca
The Bodyworker

About Marco

One of the first people to help me get in touch with my somatic experience was Marco Migliavacca. Marco is a classically trained yoga instructor and can run a sweaty vinyasa class like nobody’s business. But, thankfully, he is so much more than that. He was the first to introduce me to Yin Yoga, the restorative, very slow, very subtle practice that helped me begin to listen to my body’s pleas, protests and pain after my infertility journey. Not all yin teachers are alike! Marco is one of the few who can hold the energetic space of the room with such warrior intensity, that I can fall safely into the darkness of my own shadow, weakness and allow healing to happen as my fascia lets go of its trauma grip. Marco’s pranayama work was also a soul-busting experience, as the highly intense breath work allowed me to begin to channel my own life-force. It’s hard, annoying and extremely worth it. He’s also just the happiest person - joyful, encouraging, a ball of pure light energy. It’s why his weekly sessions in our Milan store grotta are perpetually full!


Practice With Marco