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The attributes of canine's are loyalty, honesty and trust, and are some of the central divine qualities associated with Anubis.
He is known as a Great Guardian and Guide of Souls.
His Egyptian name was Anpu. (The more popular Anubis is Greek translation).
Fun fact;
In Ancient Egypt, a Priest would wear an Anubis mask during the mummification process.
Anubis was the guardian Neter of this process, linking him to his Myth where he assists Goddess Isis to embalm and mummify Osiris.
He is this credited as the creator of the mummification ceremony, and thus one of his name's is The Divine Embalmer.
Anubis is also known as The Opener of the Way, and the High Priest archetype within the Neteru.
We work with him at the end of our day, allowing anything that needs to be surrendered from our heart to him, and engaging in the weighing of the heart practice, allowing Ma'at's feather to filter through and lighten the load as we close the day with gratitude.
An additional little prayer you can recite if you feel inspired;
"I give greetings to thee Anubis,
Thou who art the Guide of Souls of Heliopolis!
Bearer and Giver of blessings,
I pray, give Thy blessing to me."
~ from an 18th Dynasty hymn to Anubis as Opener of the Ways
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